Knapsack Pro

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FAQ / knapsack_pro / General questions for knapsack_pro gem

How to use spring gem with Knapsack Pro?

If you use spring gem to load your tests faster then you can use it with kanpsack_pro gem as well. See example how to do it:

# use spring with Knapsack Pro in Regular Mode
bundle exec spring rake knapsack_pro:rspec
bundle exec spring rake knapsack_pro:minitest
bundle exec spring rake knapsack_pro:cucumber

# use spring with Knapsack Pro in Queue Mode
bundle exec spring rake knapsack_pro:queue:rspec
bundle exec spring rake knapsack_pro:queue:minitest

Note we just added spring after bundle exec. You can do the same for other test runners.

There is one exception. If you use Queue Mode with Cucumber tests then to use spring gem you need to check the tip: how to use spring gem to run Cucumber tests.

# General questions for knapsack_pro gem
See questions outside of this category

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