Knapsack Pro

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FAQ / knapsack_pro / Common problems & solutions for knapsack_pro gem usage

Why I see API error commit_hash parameter is required?

ERROR -- : [knapsack_pro] {"errors"=>[{"commit_hash"=>["parameter is required"]}]}

When Knapsack Pro API returns error like above the problem is because you use CI provider not supported by knapsack_pro which means knapsack_pro gem cannot determine the git commit hash and branch name. To fix this problem you can do:

  • if you have git installed on CI node then you can use it to determine git commit hash and branch name. See this
  • if you have no git installed on CI node then you should manually set KNAPSACK_PRO_BRANCH and KNAPSACK_PRO_COMMIT_HASH. For instance this might be useful when you use Jenkins.

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