Knapsack Pro

CONSUL / Consul / RSpec tests / Build ID 937bd055-d067-444a-80b8-8f44fe49f563

Build Details

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Commit hash Branch Nodes Tests execution time Created at
4cbde66 refs/pull/5298/merge 5 52 minutes 32.5 seconds   12% 2024-03-20 13:59:00 UTC

Parallel CI nodes

All parallel CI nodes finished their work.

The time span between the finish times of the CI node that Finished First and the one which Finished Last is 4.8 seconds. The shorter this time is, the better.


Parallel CI nodes

The time span between the finish times of the CI node that Finished First and the one which Finished Last is 4.8 seconds. The shorter this time is, the better.

Node index Finish time Tests execution time (52 minutes 32.5 seconds)
0 2024-03-20 14:09:43 UTC 10 minutes 31.5 seconds
1 Finished Last 2024-03-20 14:09:47 UTC 10 minutes 32.33 seconds
2 Finished First 2024-03-20 14:09:42 UTC 10 minutes 27.7 seconds
3 2024-03-20 14:09:46 UTC 10 minutes 31.73 seconds
4 2024-03-20 14:09:42 UTC 10 minutes 29.27 seconds

Test Files recorded on parallel CI nodes

You can likely decrease your CI build time by around 5 minutes 44 seconds by running more parallel CI nodes.

Running 11 parallel nodes should result in an optimal build time (~4.78 minutes)

Test file path (Displaying entries 1 - 100 of 561 in total files) Execution time
spec/system/budgets/investments_spec.rb 5 minutes 10.12 seconds 11% Trend
spec/system/proposals_spec.rb 4 minutes 19.45 seconds 7% Trend
spec/lib/tasks/dev_seed_spec.rb 3 minutes 32.01 seconds Trend
spec/system/debates_spec.rb 1 minute 58.18 seconds 34% Trend
spec/system/admin/budget_investments_spec.rb 1 minute 45.55 seconds 9% Trend
spec/system/management/budget_investments_spec.rb 1 minute 38.95 seconds 4% Trend
spec/system/admin/legislation/processes_spec.rb 47.82 seconds 59% Trend
spec/system/budgets/ballots_spec.rb 42.59 seconds 11% Trend
spec/system/sdg_management/relations_spec.rb 41.4 seconds 11% Trend
spec/models/budget/investment_spec.rb 39.13 seconds 2% Trend
spec/system/multitenancy_spec.rb 38.05 seconds Trend
spec/system/comments/topics_spec.rb 36.49 seconds 5% Trend
spec/system/admin/budgets_spec.rb 34.12 seconds 2% Trend
spec/system/comments/budget_investments_spec.rb 29.66 seconds 2139% Trend
spec/system/advanced_search_spec.rb 29.46 seconds 16% Trend
spec/system/tags/budget_investments_spec.rb 28.53 seconds 10% Trend
spec/system/comments/debates_spec.rb 26.81 seconds 18% Trend
spec/system/admin/translatable_spec.rb 26.16 seconds 1% Trend
spec/system/comments/legislation_questions_spec.rb 25.3 seconds 5% Trend
spec/system/users_auth_spec.rb 24.57 seconds 3% Trend
spec/system/comments/legislation_annotations_spec.rb 23.63 seconds 439% Trend
spec/system/welcome_spec.rb 23.36 seconds 1% Trend
spec/system/translatable_spec.rb 22.95 seconds 3% Trend
spec/system/budgets/budgets_spec.rb 22.19 seconds 5% Trend
spec/system/users_spec.rb 21.52 seconds 2% Trend
spec/system/tags/proposals_spec.rb 21.25 seconds 9% Trend
spec/system/comments/proposals_spec.rb 20.85 seconds 1% Trend
spec/system/legislation/proposals_spec.rb 20.74 seconds 4% Trend
spec/system/valuation/budget_investments_spec.rb 20.51 seconds 12% Trend
spec/system/budgets/executions_spec.rb 20.47 seconds 3% Trend
spec/system/admin/poll/polls_spec.rb 18.22 seconds 27% Trend
spec/system/polls/polls_spec.rb 18.1 seconds Trend
spec/i18n_spec.rb 17.41 seconds 7% Trend
spec/system/comments/budget_investments_valuation_spec.rb 17.11 seconds 113% Trend
spec/system/admin/settings_spec.rb 16.71 seconds Trend
spec/system/proposal_notifications_spec.rb 16.4 seconds 10% Trend
spec/system/legislation/processes_spec.rb 16.26 seconds 30% Trend
spec/system/admin/tenants_spec.rb 16.17 seconds 5% Trend
spec/system/polls/voter_spec.rb 15.37 seconds 1% Trend
spec/system/tags/debates_spec.rb 15.07 seconds 13% Trend
spec/system/budgets/votes_spec.rb 14.57 seconds 22% Trend
spec/system/emails_spec.rb 14.52 seconds 1% Trend
spec/system/comments/polls_spec.rb 14.4 seconds 3% Trend
spec/system/admin/budget_groups_spec.rb 14.26 seconds 51% Trend
spec/system/admin/budget_headings_spec.rb 14.26 seconds 12% Trend
spec/system/moderation/budget_investments_spec.rb 14.0 seconds 8% Trend
spec/system/dashboard/dashboard_spec.rb 13.66 seconds Trend
spec/models/abilities/common_spec.rb 13.52 seconds 21% Trend
spec/system/tags_spec.rb 13.38 seconds 17% Trend
spec/models/budget_spec.rb 13.33 seconds 3% Trend
spec/system/admin/proposals_spec.rb 13.28 seconds 5% Trend
spec/system/legislation/draft_versions_spec.rb 12.91 seconds 3% Trend
spec/system/admin/site_customization/information_texts_spec.rb 12.73 seconds 14% Trend
spec/system/admin/activity_spec.rb 12.01 seconds 5% Trend
spec/system/admin/stats_spec.rb 11.77 seconds 1% Trend
spec/system/moderation/comments_spec.rb 11.56 seconds 4% Trend
spec/system/admin/dashboard/actions_spec.rb 11.53 seconds 3% Trend
spec/system/votes_spec.rb 11.41 seconds 12% Trend
spec/system/admin/legislation/draft_versions_spec.rb 11.31 seconds 22% Trend
spec/models/proposal_spec.rb 10.99 seconds 14% Trend
spec/system/admin/legislation/questions_spec.rb 10.72 seconds 4% Trend
spec/system/account_spec.rb 10.71 seconds 16% Trend
spec/system/moderation/proposals_spec.rb 10.28 seconds 2% Trend
spec/system/dashboard/polls_spec.rb 10.12 seconds 4% Trend
spec/system/moderation/debates_spec.rb 10.08 seconds 3% Trend
spec/system/admin/system_emails_spec.rb 9.97 seconds 3% Trend
spec/system/moderation/proposal_notifications_spec.rb 9.88 seconds 1% Trend
spec/system/admin/widgets/cards_spec.rb 9.72 seconds 2% Trend
spec/system/admin/budgets_wizard/wizard_spec.rb 9.69 seconds 56% Trend
spec/system/admin/admin_notifications_spec.rb 9.68 seconds 6% Trend
spec/models/tenant_spec.rb 9.49 seconds 13% Trend
spec/system/admin/poll/questions/answers/images/images_spec.rb 9.05 seconds 1% Trend
spec/system/budgets/results_spec.rb 8.9 seconds 6% Trend
spec/system/admin/emails/newsletters_spec.rb 8.85 seconds Trend
spec/system/topics_spec.rb 8.64 seconds 3% Trend
spec/system/admin/signature_sheets_spec.rb 8.36 seconds 49% Trend
spec/system/management/proposals_spec.rb 8.28 seconds 4% Trend
spec/system/admin/poll/booths_spec.rb 8.26 seconds 92% Trend
spec/system/admin/budgets_wizard/headings_spec.rb 8.23 seconds 9% Trend
spec/mailers/mailer_spec.rb 8.06 seconds 488% Trend
spec/system/budget_polls/voter_spec.rb 7.87 seconds 3% Trend
spec/models/debate_spec.rb 7.86 seconds Trend
spec/system/verification/residence_spec.rb 7.85 seconds Trend
spec/models/machine_learning_spec.rb 7.82 seconds 10% Trend
spec/system/admin/poll/questions_spec.rb 7.79 seconds 6% Trend
spec/system/admin/site_customization/images_spec.rb 7.76 seconds 61% Trend
spec/system/admin/poll/shifts_spec.rb 7.72 seconds 10% Trend
spec/system/officing/residence_spec.rb 7.63 seconds 3% Trend
spec/system/admin/budgets_wizard/budgets_spec.rb 7.53 seconds 4% Trend
spec/components/users/public_activity_component_spec.rb 7.47 seconds 859% Trend
spec/system/admin/administrators_spec.rb 7.45 seconds 53% Trend
spec/models/abilities/administrator_spec.rb 7.39 seconds 12% Trend
spec/models/budget/heading_spec.rb 7.32 seconds 16% Trend
spec/models/progress_bar_spec.rb 7.19 seconds 6% Trend
spec/system/officing/booth_spec.rb 7.11 seconds 117% Trend
spec/system/admin/budgets_wizard/groups_spec.rb 7.1 seconds 7% Trend
spec/system/xss_spec.rb 7.01 seconds 3% Trend
spec/components/layout/locale_switcher_component_spec.rb 6.81 seconds 47% Trend
spec/system/officing/voters_spec.rb 6.8 seconds 5% Trend
spec/system/admin/valuators_spec.rb 6.77 seconds 69% Trend

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